The Leading Forum on Pay for Performance, Transparency
and Value-Driven Healthcare
March 19 - 21, 2012
Hyatt Regency Century Plaza Hotel
Los Angeles, CA
OR |
In your own office or home live via the Internet with 24/7 access for six months
- Measuring Resource Use, Efficiency, and Total Cost of Care Sponsored by the Integrated Healthcare Association and the National Committee for Quality Assurance
- Defining the Efficiency Component in Value Based P4P Sponsored by the Health Care Incentives Improvement Institute
- End of Life and Palliative Care: The Quality Improvement Opportunity Sponsored by Healthcare Partners
- International P4P and Payment Reform
- The National Quality Forum Convened Measure Applications Partnership (MAP)
- Insurance Benefit Design and Cost Sharing for Payment Reforms
- Updates from CMS: Value Based Purchasing, ACOs, and Other Initiatives - Interactive Session
- ACO Performance Measurement and Payment
- P4P and Bundled Payments
- Pay for Performance at Work in Improving Hospital Quality
- P4P and the Medical Home
- Advancing to the Next Generation of Value Based Pay for Performance
- How We Get to Affordable, Quality Healthcare
- The Changing Landscape: Episodes of Care Version 2012 - A New Deal
- Measurement, Reliability, Public Reporting, Tiering, and Motivating Behavioral Change
- Creating Win-Win-Win Strategies for Successful Payment and Delivery Reform
- Confronting the Realities of Implementing Payment and Delivery Reforms
- Data Liberation: The Next Frontier in Information Technology
- Who's Data is it Anyway? Why Can't We All Just Share It?
- The National Quality Forum Measure Use Evaluation
- What Motivates Change?
- Maximizing Safety, Quality and Efficiency: Achieving an Organization-wide Transformation
- Using Metrics and Predictive Models to Succeed in CMS Hospital Value Based Payment Programs
- ACO Quality and Efficiency Metrics
- How Providers Can Manage and Administer Value Based Reimbursement
- Translating Measurement into Tiering and Consumer Engagement
- Reducing Hospital Acquired Complications: The Maryland P4P Experience
- Engaging Hospitals in Quality Improvement through Pay for Performance
- The Minnesota Experience: The Role of Measurement and Collaboration in Advancing the Triple Aim
- It Starts with Appropriateness: Successfully Reducing Overuse of Cardiac Testing
- Integrating Behavioral Health into Primary Care to Improve Value
- Cleveland Clinic: Aligning Quality and Finance in a Hospital
- Integrating Quality Metrics with Focused Interventions to Improve Medication Adherence
- A New Compensation Approach for Cancer Care: A Prototype for Payment Reform
- Pay for Performance Legal Issues

John L. Adams, PhD
Principal Senior Statistician, Kaiser Permanente Center for Effectiveness and Safety Research, Pasadena, CA |

Gail M. Amundson, MD, FACP
President and Chief Executive Officer, Quality Quest for Health of Illinois, Peoria, IL |

Howard Beckman, MD, FACP
Chief Medical Officer, Focused Medical Analytics, Pittsford, NY

Jim Chase
President, Minnesota Community Measurement, Minneapolis, MN |

Molly Joel Coye, MD, MPH
Chief Innovation Officer, UCLA Health System, Los Angeles, CA |

François de Brantes, MS, MBA
Executive Director, Health Care Incentives Improvement Institute, Newtown, CT

Gary B. Ferguson, PhD, PharmD
Chief Healthcare Strategist, TIBCO, Inc., Palo Alto, CA |

Charles D. Kennedy, MD
Chief Executive Officer, Accountable Care Solutions, Aetna Inc., Hartford, CT |

Tom Leyden, MBA
Director, Value Partnerships Program, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, Detroit, MI

Gene Lindsey, MD
President and CEO, Atrius Health, Newton, MA |

Harold D. Miller
Executive Director, Center for Healthcare Quality and Payment Reform, President and CEO, Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement, Pittsburgh, PA |

Arnold Milstein, MD, MPH
Professor of Medicine and Director, Clinical Excellence Research Center, Stanford University, Medical Director, Pacific Business Group on Health, US Health Care Thought Leader, Mercer Health & Benefits, San Francisco, CA

Elizabeth Mitchell
Chief Executive Officer, Maine Health Management Coalition, Portland, ME |

Jean Moody-Williams, RN, MPP
Director, Quality Improvement Group, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Baltimore, MD |

Samuel R. Nussbaum, MD
Executive Vice President, Clinical Health Policy and Chief Medical Officer, Wellpoint, Inc., Indianapolis, IN

Peggy E. O'Kane
President, National Committee for Quality Assurance, Washington, DC |

Jeff Rideout, MD, MA, FACP
Senior Vice President, Cost & Care Management and Chief Medical Officer, The TriZetto Group, Newport Beach, CA |

Dana Gelb Safran, ScD
Senior Vice President, Performance Measurement & Improvement, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Boston, MA

David Sayen
Regional Administrator, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Region IX, San Francisco, CA |

Betsy L. Thompson, MD, DrPH
Chief Medical Officer, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Region IX, San Francisco, CA |

Dolores Yanagihara, MPH
Director, Pay for Performance Program, Integrated Healthcare Association, Oakland, CA |

Cesar Abicalaffe, MD, MSc
Executive Director, Impacto Medica, Curitiba, Brazil |

Karen Adams, PhD
Vice President, National Quality Forum, Washington, DC |

Kevin Anderson, MBA
Program Manager, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH

Barry Arbuckle, PhD
President and Chief Executive Officer, MemorialCare Medical Centers; Treasurer, Integrated Healthcare Association, Fountain Valley, CA |

Dan Ayala
Director, Clinical Analysis and Physician Compensation, Hill Physicians Medical Group, San Ramon, CA |

Jeff Bond
President and Chief Executive Officer, Cox Health Plans, Springfield, MO

Richard L. Brown, MD, MPH
Clinical Director, Wisconsin Initiative to Promote Healthy Lifestyles, Professor of Family Medicine, School of Medicine and Public Health, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI |

Nell Wood Buhlman, MBA
Vice President, Clinical Compliance Products Press Ganey Associates, Inc., South Bend, IN |

Cheryl L. Damberg, PhD
Senior Researcher, RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, CA

Gilbert D'Andria, MS, MBA
Vice President, MedAssets, Plano, TX |

Missy Danforth
Senior Director, Communications & Membership, The Leapfrog Group, Washington, DC |

Terri Devereaux, MPM, MSN
Senior Quality Improvement Specialist, Pittsburgh Regional Health Initiative (PRHI), Pittsburgh, PA

Stacey Eccleston
Implementation Leader, Health Care Incentives Improvement Institute, Newtown, CT |

Carol Everhart, RN, MS
Director, Quality Initiatives, Western Maryland Health System, Cumberland, MD |

Brent D. Fulton, MBA, PhD
Assistant Research Economist, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA

Norbert Goldfield, MD
Medical Director, Clinical and Economic Research 3M Health Information Systems, Inc., Wallingford, CT |

Jill H. Gordon, Esq.
Partner and Vice Chair, Health Law Practice, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP, Los Angeles, CA |

Kathy Hartman, RN, BSN, MSN
Senior Director, HIM, Cleveland Clinic, Independence, OH

Constance W. Hwang, MD, MPH
Vice President, Measure Applications Partnership (MAP), National Quality Forum, Washington, DC |

Nancy Jaeckels
Vice President and Chief Consultant, Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement, Bloomington, MN |

Jen Johnson, MBA, CFA
Partner, VMG Health, Dallas, TX

Keith T. Kanel, MD, FACP
Chief Medical Officer, Pittsburgh Regional Health Initiative, Pittsburgh, PA |

Jamie Kerr, MD, MMM
Chief Medical Officer, Utilization Management, Excellus BlueCross BlueShield, Rochester, NY |

Jennifer Lenz
Assistant Vice President, Quality Solutions Group National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA), Oakland, CA

Stuart Levine, MD, MHA
Medical Director, HealthCare Partners, Torrance, CA |

Kimberly MacPherson, MBA, MPH
Program Director, Health Policy and Management, School of Public Health, University of California at Berkeley, Co-Director, Berkeley Center for Health Technology, Berkeley, CA |

Sanne Magnan, MD, PhD
President and Chief Executive Officer, Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement, Bloomington, MN

Margaret H. Mason, MHSA
Enhancing Healthcare Value Business Consultant, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, Detroit, MI |

Nikolas Matthes, MD, PhD, MPH
Vice President, Clinical Research, Press Ganey Associates, Inc., South Bend, IN |

Ruth McDonald
Professor of Healthcare Innovation and Learning, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK

Michelle Merchant
Acting Director, Network Hospital Relations, Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey, Newark, NJ |

David Nace, MD
Vice President & Medical Director, McKesson Corporation / Relay Health, Chairman, Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative (PCPCC), Malvern, PA |

Shannon Phillips, MD, MPH
Quality and Patient Safety Officer, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH

Lisa Rajt, MSW
Senior Health Care Analyst, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, Detroit, MI |

James C. Robinson, PhD
Leonard D. Schaeffer Professor or Health Economics, University of California at Berkeley, Director, Berkeley Center for Health Technology, Berkeley, CA |

Gail Rusin
Program Manager, Pay for Performance - Efficiency, Integrated Healthcare Association, Oakland, CA

Maureen Saxon-Gioia, RN, BSN
Quality Improvement Specialist, Jewish Healthcare Foundation, Pittsburgh Regional Health Initiative, Pittsburgh, PA |

Richard M. Scheffler, PhD
Distinguished Professor of Health Economics & Public Policy, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA |

Mah-J Soobader, PhD, MPH
Vice President, MedAssets, Bedford, MA

Jett Stansbury
Director, New Program Development and Episode Payment Program, Integrated Healthcare Association, Oakland, CA |

Gregg Stefanek
Family Practice Physician, Alma, MI |

Jay Sultan
AVP, Product Management for Value Based Reimbursement, The TriZetto Group, Athens, GA

Aldo De La Torre
Vice President, Provider Contracting, Anthem Blue Cross, Rancho Cordova, CA |

Thomas B. Valuck, MD, MHSA, JD
Senior Vice President for Strategic Partnerships, National Quality Forum, Washington, DC |

Michael van Duren, MD, MBA
Chief Medical Officer, Sutter Physician Services, Sacramento, CA

Anthony Warmuth, MPA, FACHE, CPHQ
Administrator, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH |

Brad Wolfsen, MBA
Chief Operating Officer, Safeway Health, Pleasanton, CA |

Ann Woo
Director, Clinical Support, Hill Physicians Medical Group, San Ramon, CA




Barry Arbuckle, PhD
President and Chief Executive Officer, MemorialCare Medical Centers; Treasurer, Integrated Healthcare Association, Fountain Valley, CA

Elaine Batchlor, MD, MPH
Chief Medical Officer, LA Care Health Plan, Chair, Integrated Healthcare Association, Los Angeles, CA

David S. Joyner, MBA
Senior Vice President, Blue Shield of California, Chair-Elect, Integrated Healthcare Association, San Francisco, CA

Tom Williams
Executive Director, Integrated Healthcare Association, Oakland, CA



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Pros: subject matter immersion; professional networking opportunities; faculty interaction

Watch the conference in live streaming video over the Internet and at your convenience at any time 24/7 for the six months following the event.
The archived conference includes speaker videos and coordinated PowerPoint presentations.
Pros: Live digital feed and 24/7 Internet access for next six months; Accessible in office, at home or anywhere worldwide with Internet access; Avoid travel expense and hassle; No time away from the office


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